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This large beeswax wrap is a great alternative to plastic wrap. These wraps are made with organic cotton and food safe ingredients. All of the cotton has been washed and made ready to have the beeswax, pine gum resin, and jojoba oil added to it. All of these products are considered food safe. You can use it to wrap bread, cover bowls, and so much more!


Size: 14x14" inches




Toss your package in the freezer for about 5 minutes prior to opening for the best results. Beeswax can withstand a lot, but a little melting during the shipping process is not uncommon. See Return Information for more detailed instructions if your wrap is severely damaged, or you have concerns.


To take care of your beeswax wrap, you will want to rinse it gently with lukewarm water until any food remains are gone. Once it is fully rinsed, hang it to dry inside. You can throw it over a drying rack, a chair, or on an indoor line. Whatever you're most comfortable with!


**There should be no concern for anyone who has a bee allergy to use these. If you are concerned, ask your doctor first.**  



 Organic Muslin Cotton

 100% USDA Organic Beeswax Pellets

 100% USDA Organic Pine Gum Resin 

 100% USDA Organic Jojoba Oil




For more information on beeswax wraps, check out my blog.

Eco Wraps Large

$15.00 Regular Price
$10.50Sale Price

    In addition to my stores return policy, the beeswax wraps may show signs of melting from the shipping process. I do everything on my end to prevent that from occurring. I advise sticking them in the fridge for 15 minutes before opening the package. Even if there is a small sign of melting, it will not affect the products effectiveness in any way. 

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